IGeS World promotes eco-friendly systems
- 31 May 2018
- Posted by: iges
- Categories: engineering, environment, Social development

IGeS World visits the Amazon Rainforest in Peru – Puerto Maldonado – Madre de Dios – Peru.
Puerto Maldonado, also called Paradise of Biodiversity, is the capital of Madre de Dios in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. It is located at the southeast area of the country, on the border with Bolivia and Brazil. The place is a natural wildlife reserve, refuge for some endangered species and home to indigenous communities that not long ago has started to promote the ecotourism in this area.
But Madre de Dios is not only a blessed land with one of the richest biodiversity in the world – a never-ending forest, winding rivers and abundant wildlife – but its territory is also a huge reserve of gold. And, in the last years, the sound of chainsaws, diesel pumps and dirt bikes in the area are turning big extensions of the territory into toxic wastelands because of the illicit gold mining. In this region, illegal mining and forest destruction are the most constant and relevant problems.
IGeS World visited this land to promote eco-friend systems (geothermal heating and cooling systems), to offer new technologies to produce energy with renewable resources (solar power systems, micro-hydropower systems, biomass systems) and to share experiences and transfers knowledge. This first approach allowed IGeS World to impart its technical expertise to some local stakeholder – local office of the Ministry of Agriculture, managers of local eco-lodges, professors and students of the national university of the site and local farmers.
During this mission, IGeS World seeded an environmental awareness in all its dimensions, emotional, cognitive and active, sharing its international experiences with young fellows at UNMAC University and exchanging ideas with local professionals.

IGeS World visits and shares its experiences with young fellows at UNAMAD
UNAMAD, the National Amazon University of Madre de Dios, is a public institution of higher education located in the city of Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios in Peru. It was opened in 2000 and nowadays offers to its applicants the following environmental careers: agro-industrial engineering, forestry and environment engineer and ecotourism. IGeS World in coordination with Eng. Raul Huaman Cruz (@raulhuamancruz), Head of Agro-Industrial Engineering Program visited the campus and gave a conference about Renewable Energies and Eco-Friendly Systems last April 24th.
As a renewable energy and eco-friendly systems promoter, IGeS World seized the opportunity to talk with the new generations of young fellows and future professionals and gave them a panoramic view and a window of alternatives among the ones they could complement and strengthen their careers. Presenting new technologies and techniques these future professionals have the opportunity to learn and solve their doubts about these topics.
During the visit, our staff could look in on the agro-industrial processing plant located at the university where students can accomplish industrial processes, follow them up along the complete cycle of the production and experience first-hand their career. The plant offers its services to the local market and students, supervised by local responsible for the plant, develop the job. We exchanged concepts, experiences, and points of view. The energy requirements of industrial processes, the use of environmental technologies that could improve the industrial processes for preventing emissions and the commitment to sustainability and the contribution to industrial processes with efficient solutions using renewable resources.
IGeS World thanks and acknowledges Eng. Raul Huaman Cruz’s (@raulhuamancruz), Eng. Virne Mego’s (@virnemego) and Eng. Javier Diaz Viteri’s (@javierdiazviteri) labor in the campus.
Thank you UNAMAD, see you soon with more news!
Keep in touch with us through our social networks!

IGeS World met the general and operational managers of the main eco-Lodges in Puerto Maldonado – Madre de Dios and contacted the local Planning and Project office of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture
Due to the increase of eco-tourism in the south Amazon rainforest of Peru, IGeS World decided to visit and dialogue with general managers and operational managers of important eco-Lodge in Puerto Maldonado. During these meetings, our staff discovered a great opportunity to promote and bring closer eco-friendly systems to these entrepreneurs with a serious commitment to environment and sustainability. In fact, many of these lodges lack electricity and environmental systems that permit them recycling processes. Through the conversation, managers explained the common issues to face in order to keep the local biodiversity out of risks and expressed their desires to receive more information about environmental solutions technically proved.
IIn the other hand, our staff had the opportunity to visit, present and exchange ideas with local authorities from Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, we talked about alternative solutions focused on the poor at risk whose houses are along the river and do not have main services like electricity. Alternatives based on eco-friendly systems like mini hydro turbines, solar panels, the use of biomass as a source of energy and geothermal systems were reviewed and debated.
IGeS World made a stop and dialogue with local farmers and inhabitants in Puerto Maldonado – Peru
At Puerto Maldonado, a city built in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, our staff moved forward to the north-east area through the Puerto Maldonado Highway. This road, built not long ago, connects Peru with its south-east neighbours, Brazil and Bolivia.
Along the road, just a few meters away from the Highway, it is common to see huge extensions of lands covered with papaya and corn, grown by local farmers whose properties surpass 30 Ha.
The Landscape is spectacular. Nature, sunlight, wildlife, everything an adventurous and intrepid spirit needs is there to ensure a wild eco-experience; but pay attention, it could certainly become savage. Just an hour from the capital, water and electricity are lacked. Farms observed along the road, are supplied by water wells, water truck tankers or natural water sprouts, as well as diesel engines that produce not only electricity but CO2. Thus, in the middle of Amazon, a natural lung of the world, the need for basic services becomes one of the causes of pollution
IGeS World caught the opportunity and made a stop to talk to some local farmers and share with them ideas to improve services conditions from an environmental point of view, using eco-friendly technologies and sustainable techniques.